“I was nervous to start counseling because I did not know what to expect. As soon as we started talking the counselor’s gentle and caring demeanor put me at ease.”
Who We Are

The Carpenter’s Workshop is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian ministry, founded in 2001. We are called to bring Christ’s love and healing to people in their difficult times through faith, hope and wisdom. The Carpenter’s Workshop is so named since we believe the ultimate success of a rebuilt life depends, not only on the work done in counseling, but also upon the Good
Carpenter, Jesus Christ. Counseling can be a life changing experience in which you join together with your counselor to rebuild your life from the ashes of difficult and painful experiences. This leads to a life that’s no longer weighed down, but lifted up and freed to move forward. We offer Telehealth, a secure, HIPPA compliant, video conferencing tool.
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